It would be great if life always went to plan. Everything you wanted to do, got done. No one messed up the day’s schedule and all was right as rain every single day. Unfortunately a homeschool teacher will know from personal experience that things rarely go according to said plan.

In fact most of them would even go so far as to say that things got done in the homeschool classroom despite the original plan. Staying flexible is not an option, it is a necessity. What are the potential drawbacks of homeschooling that you should be aware of before you decide to homeschool?

Time is Precious

There are only 24 hours in the day. When you begin to teach your homeschool students it cuts into the time that you would have had for other activities. Working or Single parents who homeschool will appreciate what a huge drawback it can be to lose hours and hours to homeschool. Being super organized is no longer a choice but a way of life.

Costs Add Up

It takes more than just the books and notebooks to teach your homeschool students. From setting up the homeschool classroom, to organizing your study materials and resources, there are going to be more than a few unplanned expenses that suddenly demand attention from your wallet. Needless to say catering for them will throw the budget out of kilter.

Patience is a Virtue that Seems to Disappear

While you may have the perfect disposition, being around your children all day, everyday can take a toll on your patience. Especially on days when they are restless and mischievous. Taking control of the homeschool classroom constantly can become quite a difficult task. You have to monitor and curb your frustration and anger all the time.

Juggling Different Grades and Learning Styles

Unless you are blessed with twins and triplets, all your homeschool students are going to be in different grades. Not to mention the fact that each child could be blessed with a different learning style. What works well with a visual learner will not work as well with an auditory learner. This will increase the work for the homeschool teacher.