One of the greatest joys of being a homeschool teacher is the ability to rediscover the world around us through the eyes of our homeschool students. Children have a fresh perspective on everything around us. It can help teach homeschool parents a whole new way of looking at life. At the same time, it behooves the parents to allow the young children to develop stronger abilities to make sense of the world around them. Here are some ideas to help.

Encourage Creative Questions

As a homeschool teacher for young children, there will be a number of questions coming your way. Try and encourage the questions which make the children wonder about the world around them. Help them come up with theories about how things work. Ask them for their opinion on what would happen next while doing a series of actions. Make them come up with end results of possible processes that you do, for instance if you place an ice cube in the sun what will happen? If you add sugar to the ice is there going to be any difference? Help them do the science experiments to find out the difference after they give their opinion.

Provide a Problem

Making homeschool students think for themselves and come up with solutions can help them in real life situations. Suppose you need to go get things from the market, take them along and say you need to get vegetables, frozen meats and ice cream. Now ask them what should go first into the shopping cart? Do it the way they suggest, even if it means melted ice cream cones. It will teach them how to get it right the next time. Nothing beats personal experience, especially when that experience is eating a soggy ice cream cone.

Use the Toys to Make Them Think

Lego Blocks are the most amazing toys to bring puzzles to the homeschool classroom. Have the children come up with ideas to solve different puzzles. They can build homes, make doorways, routes and all kinds of different things. Give them projects to construct based on some need the little lego creatures have and watch them come up with new ideas.