If you are a homeschool teacher sitting making lesson plans for the classes after the holidays and wondering when you will ever have time to do something for yourself, you need to read this. There is a lot of enterprising stuff that you can do while you continue to homeschool your children.

The Creative Problem Solver

Actually the fact that you are a successful homeschooler is an advantage when you decide to add on the title of entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship primarily deals with solving problems in a creative manner that allow you to make a profit. And homeschool teachers are old hats at creative problem resolutions.

The First Solution to Seek

Now think about the first problem when you want to turn into an entrepreneur. What will you sell? You need a product that you can easily ship out. A business that does not need a separate location but can be managed from home. Your start up costs have to be as low as possible and man hours should be flexible.

Make a List

Think of all the physical and digital products that you can sell. If you have a hobby that can create a product worth selling explore that. If you simply want to use the worksheets you generate day after day in your homeschool classroom as your product, just compile them all into an ebook. Explore your options and hone in on your product.

Set Up a Shop

No that does not mean that you need to get a physical shop, but it would be easier for your potential clients to know where to go to buy your product. An online store in a big commercial place like Amazon, Ebay or Etsy will work well for hobby products. Or a website of your own if you are selling homeschool resources. Add in a blog for people to follow.

The technical aspects are not too difficult to learn. There are a number of free online tutorials which teach you exactly how to set up a website and blog for the minimal cost. Now it’s up to you to make all the improvements you want to the site and sell your products.