There is a limit to how much you can teach your homeschool student as the grades progress. While teaching your own core subjects from school may not be an issue, some other courses that you child wants to take and you are not too knowledgeable about may prove to be one. In this case it would be a good idea to get in some extra help. Where would you look for help with homeschooling?

Homeschool Co-ops

Co-ops are a great place to trade your teaching skills with another parent’s. For example – You can teach all the kids history and the other parent can handle geometry. This helps you save money and still manages to meet the educational needs of your homeschool students.

Online schools

These are a good place to have your homeschool students interact with peers and teacher via the internet. You can sign them up for a specific subject that you find challenging to teach or simply pick up whatever the child finds interesting. Some of these courses may be free, while others may require you to buy a membership.

Educational video courses

Video is a tool that makes learning simple. When you tell someone about a topic, they may not register it as well as when you show someone a video describing the theory. There are a number of video channels available on popular video playing websites dedicated to different subjects. Finding them is as simple as entering a keyword in a search engine. Again a large number of these videos are available free.


The idea of hiring another person to come and teach your homeschooled child may not be very appealing to a homeschool parent. However if no other option is available this may be a somewhat costly, but viable means of ensuring that they gain the education that they are interested in.

Community courses

A large number of community centers have courses being offered through the year. Keep a look out for the types of courses that your hoemschool student would benefit from. You could get in touch with a really good teacher through these courses as well.