The majority of our school curriculum is based on typical Left Brain learning techniques. There is an emphasis on doing things in an ordered structure. Read the text book, do the exercises and then follow it up with a review of what has been taught. While this organized learning may work well for majority of the students at times you may need to use Right Brain Teaching methods in your homeschool classroom.

To Develop Memory Skills

Memorizing a large number of facts and data can become quite difficult for the child by rote method. By using the memory palace technique or other visualization methods of improving recollection, you encourage the homeschool student to use their right brain to get the job done.

To Help Focus Better

A whole lot of things need to be paid attention to during the homeschool classroom’s day schedule. At times children can find it difficult to switch attention to the next thing they have to do. By making it a game or a fun activity, you can ensure that the right brain teaching technique helps your child focus better in the class.

To Improve Sensory Processing

We depend on our senses to make order out of the world. By ensuring that the senses are sending us information that is processed correctly we avoid distortions. Sometimes children may find it difficult to process all the senses information. Here you can use right brain techniques such as being still and paying attention to what comes, as it comes to help your child deal with the overwhelm and manage better.

To Reduce Boredom

Studying in the homeschool classroom day in and day out is a painful process for the child at times. You can use right brain teaching techniques to ensure that the attention of the child is held better during lessons. This ensures that children who have a tendency to dislike school work, look forward to the hour or day you assign to such teaching techniques.