Most homeschooling parents need to be fantastic organizers to successfully manage all the household tasks and the homeschooling lesson plans each day. The good news is that since you have your children at home, you can get them to help you around the house with some basic chores. No matter how small they are there is always something that they can do. Here are some suggestions that may be reviewed in an age appropriate manner.

Taking care of the family pet

The feeding of the pet can be handled by just about the smallest child. A little instruction on how to go about doing it followed by a practical demonstration are all that is required to get them started. Be it a dog, cat, hamster, turtle or fish, your child is capable of feeding the pet. Of course grooming and taking them for a walk may not be the best idea for a small child but an older one can take that on as well.

Helping around in their room

The children can be taught to keep their own room tidy by ensuring that toys and books are always put away in the right place. They can be asked to settle their clothes in their cupboards when they come from laundry. Encourage them to dress themselves in clothes that they pick out. Explain why some clothes are worn together while others are not. These tasks will reduce the time that you spend in their room doing chores.

Small stuff to do around the house

If they are willing to lend you a hand after they have finished cleaning up their room, you can ask them to do simple tasks like filling up water bottles to put into the fridge, setting the table for a meal, and even washing up their own plate and glass after eating. Older children may be even allowed to take the trash out and help wash the car or clean the windows of the house.

Every task that they master makes them independent and responsible human beings. So while you may initially feel a bit guilty in making them do these chores, you may remind yourself that in the not too distant future they will have to do all this and more.