The primary monetary concern of homeschooling families arises from the fact that one parent needs to stay at home with the children. This means that the family must make do on a single income. The good news is that there are now many options for the homeschool parent to generate a secondary income at home. Here are some ideas that can work.

Start a Homeschooling Blog

As you chronicle your own family’s adventures through the academic year you will be able to eventually monetize the blog with affiliate products that you have actually used. You will be able to sell worksheets that you created for your homeschools students in each grade to other parents looking for similar material. You will be able to give advice on all matters related to homeschool to parents new to the concept and make friends online.

Create and Sell Your Own Digital Products

A digital product is something that is not found in physical form. It could be an ebook, a course conducted online, an app that helps solve a need people have, or anything else that is possible to be delivered digitally. You could create audios for children to revise nursery rhymes, or the periodic table. It doesn’t matter what the product is, as long as you create it from scratch. You will have to be aware of copyright issues, but as long as everything you add to the product has been generated by you, there would not be any problems.

Teach a Subject Online

There must be a higher grade subject that you are comfortable teaching, which another homeschool parent may not be. Hang out in homeschool forums and find a few students like this. Then offer the parent the choice of having their child learn that subject from you online. You can tutor them for a specific subject in lieu of money or exchange classes for your own homeschooling brood. The idea is to add value to your life by either bringing in more money, or using less money to school your own children. This reduces expenses and helps in the family finances.