A standardized test is devised with the view to test the academic abilities of children of a specific age and grade in general. They are a prerequisite for some states if you are homeschooling your children. There are a number of tests available and you should be aware of which ones are most likely to suit the needs of your homeschool student.

Some Standardized Tests Available for Homeschoolers

BASI or Basic Achievement Skills Inventory is a standardized test used for grades 3 through 12. It tests maths and language skills for students. It is nationally standardized and meets all states requirements.

Brigance Diagnostic Inventories is another test which may be administered by homeschool teachers. It has a yellow level valid for children from birth to age 7. The green level is from prekindergarten to grade 9. It is a comprehensive test which works well with special needs children.

Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills is a multiple choice test. It can show how students are progressing in Reading, Math and Learning. A score of 50 is considered the national average.

Wide Range Achievement Test or WRAT tests reading, spelling and mathematical computation. It is shorter than other tests and quite acurate. This test is best for children who have a short attention span.

The Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities is a set of intelligence tests that include an oral evaluation by a psychologist or an education professional in addition to the written test. There are multiple tests which take about five minutes each to complete. These include seven cognitive standard tests and eleven achievement standard tests.

Picking Your Test

These are just a handful of the different standardized tests that are available to the homeschool teacher. States have their own tests such as the California Achievement Test or the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. Certain universities have developed standardized tests as well, for example the Stanford Achievement Test. Pick a test that serves the purpose of letting you know just how your homeschool students are progressing. Remember the scores on the test are just a reflection of what they are learning and not of your teaching techniques.