The idea behind homeschooling is to provide the very best education at the most affordable price to your children. This is a reason why many homeschool parents rule out outsourcing classes for their students. However there are some economically viable alternatives available to consider.

Virtual School On Public Funds

Some States allow homeschool students to take up to six units for free on Virtual Schools that they run. Check for the virtual school classes that your State offers and may be a good match for your homeschool student. The classes are free so no economic strain, plus you don’t have to teach it. That means you save time and effort that can be put to better use elsewhere.

Single Subject Class in Public School

Complete isolation of the student is never the aim of homeschooling. By enrolling them in a single subject class, which you may not be too comfortable teaching at home, you can kill two birds with one stone. Not only does your homeschool student get exposure to their peer group, it also allows you to prove to friends and family that you are not against the public schools despite your decision to homeschool.

Year Long Online Classes on Appropriate Website

If you are not familiar with a specific subject that your high school student wants to learn, it will be easier to get him an online teacher who knows the subject better. You would save time and money spent in study material gathering and actually have an expert teach the homeschool student what is required in a preset curriculum which meets his needs. Now this may not seem the best way to homeschool to you, but outsourcing a class or two to actual experts can work out better in the long run for your homeschooler.

Besides the economic reasons, parents are unsure of exposing their children to strangers and online self paced study courses are a great way to compromise. The child sits at home and learns from a good teacher even as he has access to a number of study resources that you as a parent would struggle to put together.