Common reaction to standardized tests include stress, anxiety, teary eyes, and often temper tantrums. However if the homeschool parent can make the standardized test appear as more of an adventure or a challenge to overcome, the homeschool student can be in a much better state to handle the test.

Teach them to identify their stress

Once the homeschool student is aware of the source of stress, they will be in a better position to deal with it. You can’t find a solution till you define the problem. Ask them to check for physical symptoms like a tightening of the stomach muscles, headache, and even shortness of breath. Then ask them to take a deep breath and release those feelings. Tell them to speak to you about their fears and help them work through the anxiety. They should know that it’s not the end of the world should they score badly in the test.

Monitor their eating and sleeping habits

Physical health plays a big role in maintaining a good mental attitude. If the child is sickly and weak in body, the child is not going to have the mental strength to push through. By ensuring that your homeschool student is eating healthy food, and getting enough hours of sleep at night, the physical aspect can be looked after. If they are not getting enough exercise, ensure that you have them outdoors playing a game, or simply out for a jog. The activity itself can work as a wonderful mood lifter for the child.

Monitor self talk and add in motivation

Children have easy to train minds. If they begin repeating in their heads that they can push through any challenge and obstacle, they will be unstoppable. As a mentor and guide it is up to you to ensure that they have to negative self talk, as it can be immensely disturbing for them. Give them small motivational pep talks, encourage them to do better, and praise them each time that they reach a personal milestone. It will help them stay more confident when they actually go in for the standardized testing.