While the schedule may call for lesson plan after lesson plan, it’s a good idea to insert some fun activities into the lives of homeschool students. You can make your homeschool classroom a place where your children and others can come and have fun as well as learn.

Make it a Formal Event

Adding play time to the schedule will ensure that you adhere to it. Otherwise it is much too easy to skip it altogether when you are running behind in lessons. Also try and get other homeschool families to participate in the game. This will help give the children hands on experience on social skills. It’s much more fun to play games in a group than with just your own siblings.

Keep the Format Simple

A quiz type of event where you have different rounds filled with questions of a specific topic works well in the homeschool classroom. You can provide age appropriate questions to each student which can help earn points. You can even team up students of a similar grade together if you have more homeschool families participating. Make sure that you keep the level of difficulty the same for different grades so that no one gets to complain.

Have Scoring Visible

The score board with the points earned per round is an essential feature. It not only helps you keep track of the winners, but also motivates the homeschool students to do better in each round. You can even take a break between rounds to officially announce the scores to rev up the excitement all around. A parent of one of the other children can be made in charge of this activity.

There Must Be Tangible Prizes

If your children are competing in a game with others, they need to be rewarded for their win. You need not spend a lot of money on the prizes, but let there be actual physical rewards that are handed over to the children at the end of the quiz. You can even set out a table with the prizes marked with 1st, 2nd and 3rd position if you have enough teams playing.