homeschool suppliesThere is a lot of difference between “school at home” and homeschooling. If your child is shifting between the two systems you as the homeschooling teacher have to ensure a smooth transition. Here are some things that you can do to ensure the success of such a transition.

Explain the Difference

A child who is used to the daily routine of a regular public school will have some trouble understanding how homeschool scheduling works. The concept of fixed break times will have to be replaced with flexible learning times. The teaching style will differ and the kind of classwork that needs to be done and submitted will also be different.

Stick to Few Subjects

When shifting between systems it is a good idea to focus on a few core subjects instead of doing all that was being done in the regular school. That way you will not be struggling to cover a lot of ground over the school day. Stick to the essentials in the beginning and work your way up to more subjects and activities as both teacher and student get comfortable with the new set up.

Take Field Trips

The freedom to take a field trip anytime you wish should be exploited in the transition period. There is a lot to say for being able to take off for a walk in the park, or a visit to the local museum and calling it a working school day. Visit the homes of old friends, or family who the children enjoy being with. Or just go to the supermarket for groceries. Anytime the homeschool classroom is getting too claustrophobic, just step out to do something new.

One on One Subject Scheduling

Each child has his own specific interests. Sit down with your child and ask about what he would like to learn more about. This topic should be used to teach regular subject lessons where possible, and studied separately as a different class as well. Find material and activities to support your teaching. The level of interaction in this class will be more as the child is genuinely interested in learning more about the topic.