The more time you spend with your children the better their emotional health will be. This is a fact supported by scientific study. This means that a homeschooled child should be very well adjusted indeed, or is there more to the story? Typically a homeschooling family is surviving on a single parent’s salary. This means careful budgeting for just about every activity. It also means that the homeschooling parent will try and find a way to boost the family income while working from home. Now before it all becomes too much for you, use these tips to spend more time with your homeschool students.

The Daily Fun Activity

While you will never neglect the children’s study schedule on purpose, it is easy to let the fun times slide, especially when you are feeling bushed for time. Children are very sensitive to the emotions of a parent and if you are feeling rushed for time, they are not likely to open up and talk with you. They will quietly do their own thing and not speak with you even if they do have a problem. The onus of keeping up the daily fun activity lies entirely on you. Don’t skip it, or you may realize you missed out on spending fun time with your children for weeks together.

Cook Together

From special treats like cupcakes to any regular meal of pasta and sandwiches. It really doesn’t matter what you cook together, as long as you have them reading recipes, measuring ingredients, and finally sit down together to enjoy the fruit of your effort together. There is a whole lot of learning happening while you and your children are enjoying each other’s company. Plus you have multi tasked by having them help you cook the snack or meal of the day.

Bed Time Routine and Story

As younger children love being read a story to at bed time, you can ensure that you spend quality time with them as part of the daily routine. In due course of time, as they become older, they may not wish to be read out loud to, but you can still continue to spend about fifteen minutes of time at night before bed time with them. This is the time when they can chat with you and have your undivided attention if they wish to share something important.