Finger painting is a great hobby for keeping young toddlers involved in a project while you sit with their elder siblings in the homeschool classroom. However as most toddlers are bound to taste what they have on their hands, it is a good idea to give them a taste of something not just edible, but actually tasty when you give them paints. Here are some great ideas for making edible finger paints that you can easily hand over to your youngest member of the homeschool.

For Red : Boil some beetroot and blend it in the grinder to get a really nice deep red or almost maroon color. If you wish to dilute the shade add a spot of milk or curd to it.

For Pink : Use strawberries and blend them up together in the grinder to get a smooth paste. Add a couple of spoons of hung curd to give it a thicker consistency.

For Orange: actually orange juice and some icing sugar can be combined well to make the color. Plus you will not mind your toddler taking a couple of licks of the mixture as they finger paint their next masterpiece.

For Blue : Blueberries and yogurt again make a great blend in the grinder. They give you a great blue tinted paste to use for finger painting.

For Green : Spinach can be blanched and churned in the grinder with some hard cheese to get the correct consistency to paint with. Needless to say you will actually be encouraging your toddler to eat this rather healthy painting mixture.

For Yellow : turmeric power is great when added to some cream cheese for a decent shade of yellow. Be careful how much powder you add as the color can be quite potent. Plus it can make the cheese taste a bit bitter if you add too much of it.

Each of these edible paints will give your child a beautiful shade to play with on the painting. You can even consider allowing the child to paint the masterpieces on slices of break which may serve secondary duty as the mid day snack. Talk about being efficient!