homeschool onlineThe Inattentive Homeschool Student

Maybe your child child is unable to organize tasks and concentrate on important matter: there is a tendency to space out in class, forgetting to complete written work, and even not remembering specific assignments given. They usually shift their attention to things that they enjoy such as playing online games, painting, or building craft models. Their behavior can be seen as disobedient and rude by the parent and they may be scolded and punished as a result.

The Hyperactive and Impulsive Homeschool Student

The child is full of boundless energy and is constantly moving from one end of the classroom to the other. The unrestrained moving usually causes minor accidents, spills and breakages. They are usually jumpy and are very likely to hurt themselves. They also have a tendency to speak before they think often blurting out rather inappropriate things.

Coping Strategies for the Homeschooling Parent

When you have seen your child consistently show such ADHD related behavior for more than six months, you could get a medical professional to diagnose it formally. What does this mean to you? Your life may seem chaotic, but using these strategies you can cope with whatever your child throws at you.

  1. Don’t feel like a victim : There is no reason to feel victimized or desperate. It may not easy to deal with a child with ADHD but it can be done.
  2. Accept the diagnosis and move on : You will continue to love your child if he hurt his arm, so don’t love him any less just because he has ADHD. There is no resentment to be felt.
  3. Concentrate on what you wish : Don’t lose your temper, but focus on what you want your child to do. There is no need to intimidate the child, just reason with him about what you want done.
  4. Stay in control : If you keep your anger in check, exercise self control, and generally follow the rules that you expect your child to, you become a goof role model. Teaching the child self control is an important step in helping him deal with ADHD