The holidays can be fraught with numerous activities and trying to schedule a regular homeschool day in the midst of Church activities, Christmas shopping, carol singing and gift exchanges can be difficult. Instead why not shift the focus during the holidays on other activities?

Slow Down the Formal Academics

It’s okay if you don’t hit the textbooks regularly during this time. Remember homeschool learning is pretty flexible. You can teach your homeschool students different subjects without ever opening a reference book. Use daily activities to instill good values and morals. Pick up on activities that teach them how to do something new, while staying away from worksheets and practice in the formal set up.

Start a Deliberate Acts of Kindness Routine

Advent calendars are a good way to reinforce kindness training. Have a small act of kindness written on top of the date and a small gift in the pocket below. The homeschool student needs to complete the act of kindness and have it approved before he can get his hands on the day’s gift. You will find them planning ahead and thinking up of ways to get the act of kindness done as soon as possible.

Teach Life Skills for Actual Living

Things like baking cookies, wrapping gifts, making handmade cards, addressing and posting the cards, decorating a tree with home made ornaments are all skills for life. Just because the children are helping the homeschool parent to get ready for the celebration doesn’t mean that they are not learning anything. They are being instilled with actual life skills that will serve them for a lifetime.

Read Stories and Sing Songs

Set aside some time for just having a bit of fun. Yes there are a million little things that need your attention for the celebrations to be ideal, but you aren’t always going to have your children in the house with you. Have a story read out loud by the eldest sibling. Follow it up with some carol singing for just the family to have fun. Get into the true spirit of giving by giving your children some memories that will last them a lifetime.