The smartphone is not just a part of your life, it can actually be a very helpful gadget in the homeschooling classroom. There are a number of apps on both iPhone and Android which can be used effectively as aids to teach your children in the homeschool way of life. While not all parents are fond of giving their children more time on the smartphone than they absolutely need to, perhaps it would be easier to let them use educational apps than simply the games that they like to play.

Primary School Apps

There are a number of educational apps geared towards primary school children. These help in attributes such as reading, practising number work, allowing them to learn the basic tenants of computer programming languages, using flash cards to help them pick up new vocabulary, teaching them association by allowing them to match up similar items, and a whole lot more. Most of these apps are usually available free, or at least have a good enough trial version that you can use.

Secondary School Apps

These apps are usually not free as they tend to be more in depth and subject oriented. You will find comprehensive Maths practice program apps, series of educational scientific videos, quizzes per grade on multiple subjects, apps that help the homeschool student knowledge about a specific topic of interest such as outer space, the way the human body works, and a whole lot more.

How to Find the Apps

A simple store search will garner a huge list of apps for you. It is a good idea to take a look at actual user reviews to get an approximation of what the app can do for your homeschool student. Using blog reviews of apps that other parents are using is also another good way to find not so obvious gems. These blog posts are usually easy to find under the search engine key word phrases in common usage. Basically head over to Google, or Bing or whatever else you use and type in the subject plus app and see what comes up. Then use your own judgement to get what suits your kids best.