When summer rolls by do you continue using the regular homeschool schedule or do you make changes to accommodate the fact that your children’s friends are now on summer break. That your homeschool students may want to spend time with their peers doing other activities besides homework. While many homeschool parents do not stop teaching altogether during the summer, a large number do make some changes to their homeschool classroom schedules.

 Let Them Play Outdoors

Less time in organised classroom activities means more time for your homeschool students to play. In the summer getting outdoors and playing with friends can also be an invaluable life lesson.

Let Them Learn at Their Pace

As long as they take care of their regular household chores, you can excuse them from regular book learning everyday. Maybe just have them write a report weekly on a topic of their interest.

Let Them Explore New Things

Picnics, trips to the local parks, visit to a museum, a short road trip with family or friends. Give them new experiences. Allow them the time to explore their world and widen their horizons. These experiences are teachers as well.

Let Them Create a Summer Project

Summer is a great time for them to take up projects. Do they want to build a bird house, stitch themselves clothes, draw a map of the neighbourhood,plant a garden, create a rocket or any other creative activity. It doesn’t matter what they work on as long as it’s got a tangible end result.

Let Them Play Indoors

Some of the best memories of family fun can be created by playing board games indoors on a hot and sunny day. Pick out the family favourites and get new games if they have outgrown the old ones. Many a day can be spent pleasantly playing these games.

Summer is a great time for the homeschool parents to take a step back and assess what has been accomplished so far and what more needs to be done. Give yourself a break along with your homeschool students. You will all be much better off at the end of it all.