A new year is a good time to start new things. Building a positive, can-do, attitude is a good place to start. Homeschool students are often protected fro the harsher realities of the world, and that makes them more positive people when they grow up. However, it is also possible that they may not be able to deal with the perpetual problems that the real world has a habit of throwing at you. This is why it is important for them to learn how to nurture and maintain positive emotions.

The Daily Journal

Have the homeschool students write down what they feel blessed for in their day. Maintaining an attitude of gratitude will help them stay focused on the positives of their life rather than complain about the negatives. Have them divide the writing into two parts, one what they give thanks for what they already have and the second where they give thanks in advance for things that they want to accomplish. It helps them maintain focus on what they want to achieve in a few days, weeks, and months from now.

Discuss Emotions

Most of us are taught to hold on tight to our feelings, to be stoic, and calm. Unknowingly we expect our children to do the same. If your homeschool student is throwing a tantrum, which is simply expressing frustration, help them vocalize the emotion better. Don’t just tell them to behave, ask them why they are feeling upset. What is the reason for their frustration? Then help them work through the emotion in a supportive manner so that they can deal with the actual, underlying issue.

Encourage Dreams

No one injures their eyesight by looking at the bright side of things. Let your homeschool student be encouraged to tell you what he wants to do. Not just five minutes later in the homeschool classroom, but also five years later when he’s out of school. Keep a positive attitude when they share their dreams. They may seem improbable to you, but they may be easily achievable by them at a later date as long as you give them the encouragement that they need now.