There are a number of reasons why people choose to homeschool which could include something specific such as providing for the needs of a special child or something as generic like the schools not having a good learning environment. No matter what the actual reason for homeschooling a child, there are a number of benefits of homeschooling that one never considers on the environment.

1. No Transportation Required!

What’s the biggest hassle of children starting school? Getting them there early in the morning, on time. However regular school is beaten hollow by the advantage of homeschooling here. Not only do you have to get up and go anywhere, you are actually being environmentally friendly. Since the children do not need to be driven to school, there is a great deal of fossil fuel being saved. There is no added air pollution in terms of vehicular emissions, and the side effect is extremely good on the wallet. No spending on fuel means greater savings for the family.

2. Reusing All Materials!

With children never being in the same grade at one time, there is a potential saving to be made each time you buy anything that you will use in the homeschool classroom. No matter what the material is, textbooks, reference books, worksheets printed out, or even notebooks, everything can be reused. The charts for alphabets, colors, and shapes will still be the same ones needed for the second child you decide to homeschool. So you not only do not need to buy them again, but are preventing more copies from being printed. This saves more trees, again help saving the environment.

3. Borrowing and Lending Equipment!

The homeschooling families in a community tend to do a lot of activities together. This means that if one family has the equipment for a particular activity, others in the area will generally not buy the same equipment. They will just ask to borrow it when they need to use it. This system works well for everything from scientific equipment like microscopes to sports things like a croquet set. Naturally this also helps save the materials in the environment required to make this equipment, making it an environmentally friendly practice.