Is it possible for a pair of working parents to homeschool their children? Yes, it is. It’s not easy, but when planned out and coordinated well, it can definitely work. Here are some tips and tricks to make sure that all the cogs fit and the gears turn.

Have a Relaxed Homeschooling Style

While you need a schedule and a basic plan for each day, week, and month, try not to sweat the small stuff. The homeschool classroom will have some victories and some losses, so roll with the punches as they fall. Whatever you couldn’t finish in the class today, can always be done tomorrow. Don’t add stress to a situation where none is warrantied.

Have a Designated Learning Space

Homeschool students should know that when they enter the homeschool classroom, they need to behave like students who are interested in learning the lessons of the day. Having a specific area for learning can help them get into the right mindset much more easily. It will also allow you to stay organized with all the teaching material in a single area where they can be accessed quickly.

Have a Plan for Disruptions

It could be anything from a report due at work, to an unexpected flu hitting the house that causes a disruption in your daily schedule. This can happen more often than not, so it’s a good idea to have a plan in place for such contingencies. Have a friend or relative, who is comfortable with the kids, step in when you and your spouse are unable to be the homeschooling teacher.