What are the most important Math Concepts to Teach?
What Are the Most Important Math Concepts to Teach in Today’s World?
When I asked homeschool parents about the most important math topics to teach, the answers surprised me. Over 80% of respondents ranked Business Math Skills as the most crucial, followed closely by Mental Math.
And it makes sense. In today’s world, memorizing formulas or calculating numbers in your head isn’t enough. The reality is that nearly half of America’s private workforce—around 60 million people—are employed by small businesses. Many of these businesses are family-run, entrepreneurial ventures, and the need for real-world math skills is higher than ever.
Why Business Math Matters More Than Ever
Numbers don’t lie. Let me give you a couple of things to think about:
- Small businesses are a powerhouse of job creation. In the most recent data, small businesses accounted for 63% of the total net job creation from 2013 to 2023 (creating 17.3 million new jobs from 1995 to 2021).
Median income for self-employed individuals was $68,133 in 2021, reflecting an 18.7% increase since 2016 (and still growing!).
The chances are high that your child will either work for a small business or run one someday. And to succeed, they’ll need much more than just traditional school math.
Small business employees need a mix of skills:
- Communication and teamwork.
- Leadership and decision-making.
- A lifelong desire to learn and grow.
But they also need math skills that aren’t in most high school textbooks.
The Math Small Businesses Use
Here’s the thing: Traditional math classes don’t teach the kinds of concepts small business owners use every day. Think about it:
- Where in a textbook will you find guidance on analyzing a Facebook ad campaign’s performance?
- How do you decide whether to invest more of your marketing budget in Instagram or YouTube?
- What math helps you evaluate your business’s life cycle—or determine if you paid too much in taxes last year?
The math that powers today’s businesses involves real-world applications, problem-solving, and a deep understanding of how to think critically about data and decisions.
The Problem With the Way Math Is Taught
Let’s be honest—how many kids do you know who love math the way it’s traditionally taught?
When kids ask, “Why do I have to learn this?” or “When will I ever use this?” and the only answer is, “Math teaches you how to think,” ... it’s frustrating! For kids and for us as parents.
Math does teach you how to think. But it’s not being taught that way in most schools.
Common Core math was designed to improve critical thinking, but it’s left many parents and kids confused and frustrated. And if you’re still reading this, you’re the kind of parent who knows there’s a better way. You know that teaching math isn’t just about checking boxes—it’s about preparing your child for real-world success.
What My Business Math Course Will Cover
I’ve designed a course that focuses on math concepts kids actually need to succeed in the real world, especially in business. It’s practical, hands-on, and engaging. So far, the outline includes 24 lessons covering everything from budgeting and taxes to marketing analytics and data-driven decisions.
The best part? Math is one of the cheapest subjects to teach! All you need is a pencil, paper, and calculator to get started. Compare that to the cost of ignorance in today’s world, and the investment is a no-brainer.
What Do You Think?
I’m still shaping this course, and I’d love your input.
What would you like to see in a practical, business-focused math course for homeschoolers? Are there specific topics or skills you think are essential for preparing kids for success?
Let me know your feedback—together, we can create something that sets kids up to thrive in the world we live in today. Send me an email today with your ideas: aurora@superchargedscience.com and I'll send you a preview when it comes out!
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