Homeschool Online

Why Homeschool Families LOVE Supercharged Science & Math

All Lessons are Planned and Delivered by Expert Scientist Educators

The suggested schedule found in every grade level allows students to complete an entire year of hands-on science and math, complete with  assignments, experiments and projects. Families can modify the schedule to fit their needs as they work through the program. Students track their progress each day when the assigned work is completed on their Assignment Tracker (in the math course) and in their weekly Worksheets (in the science program) to record their progress. At a glance, parents can easily see their student’s advancement!

Students Learn How to Work Independently

All assignments, workbooks, activities and projects include step-by-step video instructions so that students can easily use the curriculum on their own. As students are engaged in a learning environment, they become more confident as they understand how the concepts work in the real world. Our curriculum helps students methodically learn, self-check, and master difficult concepts before moving on. 

Hands-on Activities Hook their Curiosity & Solidify Concepts

Students are full of “why” questions and “a-ha!” moments! My favorite memories are when something has caught their attention and their curiosity is peaked. You can almost see their world expand as they build on their current knowledge. Our curriculum is based on practical, real-world applications, which means it's jam-packed with hands-on activities and experiments you can easily do in a homeschool setting. 

Students need to actively participate in the scientific process of discovery to gain a personal awareness of their world. They need to build the projects, construct the contraption, wire up the circuit - only through a physical experience will they truly make those lasting connections to the real world.

Kids are enjoying working on a science project

Students Learn How to Study and Review

During class, students take notes, just like in a university setting. They may ask questions if participating live, or email in questions if self-paced. After each class, students practice the concepts they've just learned, either by doing science experiments or work through their math workbooks and activities.  Students are expected to grade their work each day and use the trackers so they always know what their progress looks like throughout the coursework.

The kids are studying together for homeschool lessons

After about a month of content, students will take a quiz and/or a test (as appropriate). In the math course, review tests are found at the end of each workbook. In the science program, these are conducted by the teacher in the form of a quiz. This occurs each month during the academic year.

Students are encouraged to go back and review any content they need to before moving onto new content. In middle school math classes, you'll find complete study guides and downloadable quizzes and tests to help students prepare to make the transition to high school.

High Quality Academics

We recommend student tests be graded by a parent together with the student (we always provide answer keys to everything), so the student may correct any answers for partial credit so they can learn from their mistakes. The Supercharged Science & Math curriculum is rigorous, complete, above and beyond most typical math and science curriculum... which means it's also college preparatory. 

We will prepare and guide your student every single step of the way to ensure their amazing success!

Homeschool Student working on Math and Science Homework

There are tons of free materials on this website. Probably the best free resources is our Homeschool Science Experiment & Activity Guide. It’s perfect for homeschoolers, parents needing to supplement their kid’s science education and teachers. and weekly science experiments. You can get these for FREE right now by filling out the form below. 

Get instant access to our homeschool science curriculum sample, complete with hands-on science activities and a step-by-step guidebook!

Just Enter Your Email To Receive
 5 Free Hands-On Science Lessons!

Homeschool science experiment with baking soda volcano

Just enter your email and you’ll get instant access to this complete mini-science curriculum.

This free sample program includes:

Cool science projects you can start doing right now with easy-to-find materials
Step-by-step videos that show your kids exactly what to do. Perfect if you don’t have time to teach science, or science isn’t your thing! 
A 17-page student guidebook PDF that includes explanations and questions for each lesson.
My Science Newsletter with lots of great science activities
Instant online access to the videos and guidebook

See how easy it can be for you to go from “Frustrated” about not having enough time or resources for Science… To “Fascinated” by how your kids learn science better than EVER before because now they’re enjoying it!

Grade level(s) of Children
Homeschool math and science lessons together