Homeschool Online with Self-Paced Courses
Get Started Today the Easy Way with our Online, Self-Paced Homeschool Course
Your kids can easily learn and do real science and be excited about it!
You know that a good education is essential for your kids. And you know that giving your kids a great hands-on education they are excited about is really important.
Maybe you’re wondering how to make a difference in your child’s life but struggle with teaching science and math, and don’t want to sell your child short.

If you can relate, you’re in the right place. The complete curriculum you’ll find here is self-guiding, so your kids can do it on their own. Also, it’s very hands-on, so you’re kids won’t be reading boring lessons from a book – they’ll be doing real math and real science, like real engineers and scientists do everyday at their work. I promise they will learn more math and more science AND enjoy it more in two months that they will from a typical year using a traditional program.
Testimonial: What Our Families Say
“I LOVE THE PROGRAM!!! I love that you have the forethought to give us supply lists. I LOVE that you speak to my kids about atoms, particles, accelerators, generators, nuclear physics, all four types of force and treat them like they are - REAL SCIENTISTS !!!! You are a wonderful role-model for my scientific daughter and son, as well as for my husband and I. You do have a tremendous impact in helping us motivate our learners.
“Let me reiterate that never before in one day, in SOOO many ways have I heard my kids so clearly exclaim: “I CAN!” I love the warning you post on your website encouraging repetition, persistence, and participation. ALL LEARNING should have this label!”
~Bernadette Frischkorn, Alaska

Homeschool Solution for Math & Science
Discover the perfect homeschool solution for teaching math and science with confidence! Our engaging programs are designed to make learning exciting and accessible for students of all levels. Try our free class demos to experience hands-on lessons that spark curiosity and build critical thinking skills. You'll be able to see firsthand how we help your child tackle challenges, master concepts, and grow their confidence in math and science.
Click on a demo to get started and watch your child’s love for learning come to life!
Start Your Student’s Self-Paced Learning Experience
No time or skill to teach science or math?
No problem. I've done all the work for you. Each study unit includes lesson plans, objectives and goals, highlights and key concepts, vocabulary, lesson plans, discussion and development, experiments and activities, troubleshooting and going further ideas, evaluation and exercises, and a place to ask questions and get back answers.
You can use our program in one of two ways: you can either go through the material first and then deliver it in your own style, or you can can set your kids up with the program to learn on their own. You don't even need to be the teacher.
Your students will be teaching YOU science because our complete curriculum programs includes instructional step-by-step videos that students can follow. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth even more. 70% of our families who have struggled with written directions consider this part to be the most valuable component of the program.
I've done the heavy lifting for you. What this means to you is that you will have more time to spend on the things you really want to do instead of sitting at a computer screen all day long, searching for experiments and lessons, and trying to decipher confusing directions.
Self-Paced Courses by Grade Level
Self-Paced Science Courses by Grade Level
Self-Paced First Grade Science
First Grade introduces the students to four main topics in science: Physics of Sound (sound energy, pitch, volume and amplitude), Physics of Light (illumination, reflection, scattering lenses, mirrors and filters), Astronomy and Life Science. Includes instructional teaching videos, lesson plan downloads, step-by-step videos for activities and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on experiments!
Self-Paced Second Grade Science
Second Grade introduces students to three main topics in science: Chemistry (states of matter, crystals structures, polymers and indicators), Life Science (plant structure and processes, entomology and habitat environments) and Earth Science rocks, minerals and the Earth's crust). Includes instructional teaching videos, lesson plan downloads, step-by-step videos for activities and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on experiments!
Self-Paced Third Grade Science
Third Grade introduces students to three main topics in science: Weather & Atmosphere (weather stations, cloud formation, humidity and the seasons), Physics of Motion (velocity, acceleration and force), Astronomy (meteorites, comets, planets, and moons) and Microscopy (optics, slide preparation, and compound lenses). Includes instructional teaching videos, lesson plan downloads, step-by-step videos for activities and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on experiments!
Self-Paced Fourth Grade Science
Fourth Grade students will dive into big, foundational areas in science: Geology (rock and mineral types, field tests and tools), Energy (kinetic and potential energy), Electricity and Magnetism (circuits, electric charges, electrochemistry of batteries, permanent and electromagnetism), and Life Science (food chains, matter and energy transformation, food webs, decomposers). Includes instructional teaching videos, lesson plan downloads, step-by-step videos for activities and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on experiments!
Self-Paced Fifth Grade Science
Fifth Grade students will continue their growth in science by studying Life Science (Human Anatomy), Earth Science (weather cycles, water cycles, and energy flow on the planet), Solar Astronomy and Chemistry (fundamental principles in chemical reactions). Includes instructional teaching videos, lesson plan downloads, step-by-step videos for activities and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on experiments!
Self-Paced Sixth Grade Science
Sixth Grade students will continue their work in science by studying Earth Science (meteorology, atmosphere, oceans, currents, and more), Energy (simple machines, mechanical advantage, renewable energy sources and look at energy storage and conversion), and Life Science (botany, cells and cell structures (like DNA), and working with microscopes). Includes instructional teaching videos, lesson plan downloads, step-by-step videos for activities and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on experiments!
Self-Paced Seventh Grade Science
Seventh Grade students will expand in science by studying the Physics of Light (refraction, reflection, scattering, optical density, transmission, absorption of different wavelengths and sources of light), Energy & Motion (heat, electrical, sound, etc as related to potential and kinetic energy), and Life Science (cells and cell structures, microscopes and human anatomy). Includes instructional teaching videos, lesson plan downloads, step-by-step videos for activities and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on experiments!
Self-Paced Eighth Grade Science
Eighth Grade students will expand in science by studying Astronomy (building telescopes, gravitational effects, identifying meteorites, and stargazing), Chemistry (chemical reactions, chemical kinetics, supercooling and thermodynamics), and Physics of Forces, Motion and Energy (Newton's Three Laws of Motion, velocity, acceleration, forces, force fields both gravity and magnetic). Includes instructional teaching videos, lesson plan downloads, step-by-step videos for activities and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on experiments!
Self-Paced High School Science: Physics & Chemistry
High School students will study one area of science for the entire year. Each course includes hundreds of instructor-led science lesson videos, downloadable student notebook packets, homework assignments, and lab projects with step-by-step instructional videos and lab workbook pages.
We have two complete standard courses for High School Science:
NOTE: Students must have completed through Algebra 2 before starting Physics!
Self-Paced Math Courses by Grade Level
Our math program is a complete, year-long math curriculum that includes math lessons with a teacher, daily assignments, step-by-step instructional videos, workbooks, quizzes, tests, math activities, lab projects and more!
Students start with a math lesson with a teacher, then continue with their homework after class. Once they get started in a regular rhythm of consistent daily practice, you'll find most students can't wait to do more all on their own!
Self-Paced Fourth Grade Math
Fourth Grade introduces the students to fractions, including how fractions are built; how to do all four operations with fractions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division): working with word problems involving fractions; handling mixed numbers; and working with the standard measurement system.
Includes instructional teaching videos, workbook downloads, step-by-step videos for workbooks, assignments and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on activities! We'll finish the year with a dive into the wonderful world of geometry together!
Self-Paced Fifth Grade Math
Fifth Grade introduces the students to decimals, place value and how decimal numbers are built from fractions; how to do all four operations with decimals (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division); working with word problems involving decimals and fractions; converting between decimals and fractions; and working with the metric system of measurement.
Includes instructional teaching videos, workbook downloads, step-by-step videos for workbooks, assignments and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on activities! We'll finish the year with a dive into the wonderful world of geometry together!
Self-Paced Sixth Grade Math
Sixth Grade introduces the students to percentage, ratios and proportions and how percent numbers are built from both fractions and decimal numbers; how to do all four operations with percentage (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division); working with word problems involving percentage; converting between percent decimals and fractions; and working with percent change, percent error, simple and compound interest functions.
Includes instructional teaching videos, workbook downloads, step-by-step videos for workbooks, assignments and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on activities! We'll finish the year with a dive into the wonderful world of geometry together!
Self-Paced Middle School Math: Pre-Algebra & Algebra 1
When students are ready, they start with pre-Algebra and then roll right into a full Algebra 1 course.
Students begin with operations on integers, variables terms and expressions, then move into the full Algebra course that start with equations, rational numbers, inequalities, graphing, systems of linear equations, polynomials, quadratics, rational and radical expressions. When finished, students are ready for Geometry.
Includes instructional teaching videos, workbook downloads, step-by-step videos for workbooks, assignments and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on activities! We'll finish the year with a dive into the wonderful world of probability together!
Self-Paced Middle School Math: Geometry
Pre-requisite: Algebra 1
Students explore shapes and constructions, angles and measurement, and then dive into a big unit on plane geometry (triangles, circles, rectangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, composite figures and similarity), 3D geometry (surface area and volume) and finish up with right-angle geometry (trigonometry basics). When finished, students are ready for Algebra 2.
Includes instructional teaching videos, workbook downloads, step-by-step videos for workbooks, assignments and projects, exercise and quiz questions with answers and tons of hands-on activities! We'll finish the year with a dive into the wonderful world of probability together!
How the Science Program Works
My online science program is a video-based, hands-on science curriculum program jam-packed with experiments taught by engineers and scientists, and we cover physics, chemistry, life science, biology and earth science for K-12. The program is a "go at your own pace" curriculum, so your kids will stay challenged and excited all year long.
Award-Winning Science
My e-Science science program is the best online learning program, bar none. No ridiculous cartoon animations, video games disguised to be "educational", or watered-down science experiments.
Every science activity, project, and experiment has been used in classrooms, teaching real kids science for over a decade before they ever came to you. Your kids will be making real science projects, from beginner level through advanced like the underwater robots, linear accelerators, hovercraft, and much more as they learn about the real world around them.
As a teacher, I don't want my curriculum designed by people with a PhD in marketing or sales. What I really care about is "Can my course help teach your kids in a way that lasts long-term?"
Most education companies are not in the curriculum business because they were passionate about educating kids. They are in it because it's a business.
Every science class is taught by a real scientist or engineer! Your kids get to study aviation from real pilots, astrophysics from real astronomers, electronics from real electrical engineers... it's all hands-on a real-world based.

Homeschool Science Made Easy
You don’t have to worry about trying to come up with weekly science lessons, answering hard science questions, and getting your kids to do appropriate experiments… I’m going to do all of this and more! All YOU need to do is provide the kids.
What do you want to focus on this year?
Multi-Subject Science: Students study a new area of science each month, complete with weekly student worksheets and a set of science experiments that explore the concepts in depth
Single-Subject Science: After selecting your student's grade level, pick a subject and work through it completely using the Lesson Plans provided.
How the Math Program Works
We teach math in a practical and real-world way, inspiring students who have struggled or been bored with math before. Our math program has live class sessions and new videos every week, so students can work through this program at their own pace, on their own schedule. We also provide weekly live small-group tutoring sessions so students that need extra help feel fully supported.
Math Class with a Real Teacher
Each one of our 300+ Math Lessons with a Teacher videos demonstrates the skill or concept in detail and is followed up with example problems with fully worked-out solutions. Math lessons are complete class sessions between 20 to 60 minutes in length, designed to get your student started with their math work for the week.

Application-based Math Lessons
Our math program is different from every other math program out there. The math lessons with a teacher introduce students to the concepts, and after they practice with their workbook, they get to learn how to use it in the real-world by people who really know what they are doing.
This math program is a hands-on, science-based math program taught by real engineers.
The purpose of the course is to provide students with clear, easy steps that demonstrate basic concepts and methods of mathematics, and to form a bridge between real life applications and the skills students develop.
FAQ for Homeschool Science & Math
Looking for the perfect homeschool curriculum to make learning science and math enjoyable and effective for your child? You've found it!
Our program is designed with homeschool families in mind, bringing science and math concepts to life through hands-on activities, engaging lessons, and a flexible structure that fits your schedule. Get ready to help your child build confidence and excel in their homeschool curriculum!
FAQ for Homeschool Math Curriculum
What should I look for in a homeschool math curriculum?
As a science and math teacher for over 25 years, the most important thing to look for a homeschool program is application. The program that your child connects with the one they will actually use, and usually it's a program that has the concepts explained in a way that they understand what it's for and why they should care. Our homeschool math curriculum is packed with hands-on activities, clear explanations, and fun exercises that keep kids motivated and learning.
How can I make math fun for my homeschooled child?
By making it apply to the real world in an engaging, interactive way! Our curriculum includes real-life applications and creative projects that transform math from flat boring to exciting and engaging.
Do you have a full math program?
Yes! We have a full math curriculum for grades 4th – 9th grades.
Can this curriculum adapt to my child’s unique learning style?
Absolutely! Whether your child learns best through visuals, hands-on activities, or interactive videos, our program meets them where they are.
Is this homeschool math curriculum self-paced?
Yes! Your child can move at their own pace, mastering concepts before moving on, which builds a strong math foundation without leaving them feeling rushed or behind. Also, every live class is recorded and published so you can watch anytime.
Can kids really do this program by themselves?
Most students will be able to do their work independently after you set them up with how the course works and what the expectations are. Expect your student to spend one hour with a teacher twice each week in a math class, and then 15-30 minutes per day working on math skills for beginners using the workbooks provided. Intermediate and Advanced students spend 30-60 min per day to complete their math assignments each week.
What if my child struggles with math?
We’ve got you covered! Our lessons break down tough topics into simple steps and include plenty of practice to help your child succeed. We also have an opportunity for students to participate in private, small-group tutoring sessions in our weekly Study Hall, where students can ask questions with a live teacher and get the support they need.
Will my child get bored or fall behind?
Your student can choose as little or as much as they would like to complete. You work through the program at your own pace. If you already know a concept, skip to the math labs and in-depth activities we cover. If it's new to you, take your time with it with the workbooks and skill practice we provide. You can attend the live sessions or watch the recordings when you are ready for the next concept, learning how to apply it to the real world. There will be plenty of content each week to work with.
Are there resources to help me teach math?
Yes! You’ll get detailed lesson plans, video tutorials, and access to support from experienced educators. You do not have to know a thing about math yourself for your child to get an outstanding homeschool math education.
Who is the course for?
This course is for homeschool students that are serious about mastering the fundamental math concepts and understanding how those concepts are used by getting real hands-on practice with real engineering and science problems.
How do I know my child is making progress?
Our math curriculum includes quizzes, tests, and assignment trackers so you can easily see how much your child is learning and where they might need extra help. After every assignment, you or your child will grade the work so they can go back to fix any mistakes before entering their score in the tracker.
My child is behind in math. How do I catch up?
Repeat after me: Your child is not behind in a self-paced program. Your child is exactly where they need to be right now, which does not mean that they will stay there forever, or never catch up to the level you think they should be at right now. That's the beauty of homeschooling and selecting the right homeschool curriculum for your child! It does more damage to send the message that your child is somehow not up to your standards or meeting your expectations, which will cost you a lot more in the long run, so please give them the space they need to master the skills they are working on, without you pushing or rushing it. Sometimes they will progress quickly and other times they may need extra time with a concept.
What if I miss a class?
Participation in live classes is not required. All live math classes are recorded and published to the appropriate section every time we teach a class. You can start this program at any time, there is no rush to "catch up" or "keep up", you go at your own pace, on your own schedule. Most students prefer to watch their Math Lessons recorded so they can take their time and pause to stop and think about what is being presented. Students that watch both live and again as a recording get a lot more out of each class, especially if they take notes during the second round to really integrate the lessons.
Can I mix this curriculum with other subjects?
Of course! Our math curriculum is science-based, which means we incorporate real-world applications that blend math with science and technology, making learning well-rounded and fun.
Is this program affordable?
Yes! Our program is less expensive that most other homeschool math curriculum programs that include live classes, however it deliver far more than even the most expensive ones. Plus, our teachers are real scientists and engineers who can really show your child how we use math in science and engineering fields.
Does this program work for advanced learners or gifted students?
Yes, the homeschool curriculum is self-paced, which means it is based on interest and ability more than age or grade range. Gift students and advanced learners can dive into a rich learning environment with challenging problems to keep growing their skills.
Is your program going to work if my child has learning disability?
Yes, we have many homeschool kids with various learning challenges that happily and successfully use our math program. Since the program is self-paced, this allows kids to spend the extra time they need or even taking an accelerated approach when needed. Our program is based on a hands-on approach to give kids a solid understanding of how to model the real world on paper, use math to solve complex problems, and then interpret your results so they make sense and you can actually use them in the real world.
Can I customize the schedule to fit our homeschooling routine?
Absolutely! Flexibility is key, and our program is easy to adapt to your family’s schedule.
We are not able to attend the scheduled live classes, can you change the schedule?
We have students participating worldwide, so I know you can appreciate how difficult it is to find a time that works for everyone on the planet. We always provide recordings so you can watch our math lessons at a time that is best for you.
What makes this program better than other homeschool math curriculum?
One word - PASSION. Our teachers are real scientists and engineers who are passionate not only about their fields, but also teaching kids specifically. Our homeschool program focuses on hands-on learning, real-life applications, and flexibility to make the math lessons engaging, effective, and fun for kids.
We just joined mid-year. Where do we start?
Welcome aboard! This program is self-paced, so you decide what you want to study and we’ll help you get started. The program is built around the content covered in the workbooks, so please use the test found at the back of each workbook if your child feels they have already mastered an area of math. If your child is struggling with a concept, use the main math lesson for the session in addition to the step-by-step instructional videos for each workbook so your child can go through the material with a teacher.
Do I have to print everything?
No. Only print out the materials you intend to use for the week. If printing is too difficult, or you are unsure which downloads to print, simply have your student use a plain lined notebook to do their work by viewing the PDF on a computer screen. We also have some of our workbooks available for purchase through a pint-on-demand service if you prefer this option.
How do I help my child build confidence in math?
By giving them the tools to succeed: outstanding role models who posses the character traits needed for success (curiosity, a positive attitude, and a growth mindset); an approach to learning that engages students on every level; and a happy, positive experience with the subject so their confidence builds over time, step by step.
Do you offer digital homeschool resources?
Yes! The entire program is online, which means right you can download the lesson plans, teaching schedule, and workbooks today! You also access online math lessons with the teacher on videos, watching either live or recorded math lessons daily. There are also video lessons for every single assignment, in case your student needs help or extra support in completing their homework assignments.
What age range does this curriculum cover?
Students start our program when they can add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers and also have their multiplication table (mostly) memorized. Usually this starts at 4th grade level, however students start when they are ready. When students finish our program, they are ready for Algebra 2 in High School.
Will my child enjoy this program?
The best way to find this out is to try the program, which is why we offer our full 30-day money-back guarantee. When you sign up, we highly encourage you to really take the program for a test drive: participate in the math lessons, download the workbooks, watch the activity videos, work through the math challenges.
Are you aligned with common core?
Yes and no. Yes, we more than cover all common core math skills and standards if you do all the content in its entirety, grades 4th – 9th level. No, the program is not aligned with common core, so skills are covered in a different order and sequence. We cover so much more than common core. We have a complete common core index on the website (look in the footer for “Math Quick Checks”). Our math program is not aligned with common core, it is based on the math skills and way of thinking that is required for science and engineering students in college. It’s more than a math curriculum – this program will teach your student how to think about real world problems, use math to analyze complex problems, and interpret their solutions back into the real world.
Do you collect work, take attendance, or assign grades?
Supercharged Science & Math is not a school. Your homeschool is the legal and authorized school, and the parent is the administrator. Supercharged Science and Math is a resource available to homeschoolers and homeschool institutions, but it is not an organization that oversees your homeschool. The role of Supercharged Science & Math is to provide the educational lessons, assignments, projects and activities, but since we are not an in-person school, we cannot ensure that your student completes the work required to finish our courses. This means that you must make sure your student not only attends classes, but also keeps up with the homework deadlines, takes the quizzes and tests, interacts during the Study Hall (if participating), and communicates with the teacher. We provide answer keys so you and/or your student can check their own work once completed. We recommend keeping all work in a binder with our assignment tracker so you can easily see their progress throughout the year. Students will learn how to track their own progress and keep a running log of their performance during our courses (HINT: That's also a math lesson!).
Technology & Time Zones
Since Supercharged Science relies on technology for a high-quality educational experience, you must keep browsers, software, and other computer components updated. Please do make sure you have medium to high internet speed to allow for successful and efficient use of Zoom. We do not allow the chat box or student webcams to record or be recorded. Students can view these live during class sessions, but they will not appear in the recordings. Teachers read questions from the chat box aloud so that students watching recordings will be able to hear the questions that are being answered. All classes are taught in Pacific Time (check calendar).
How do I fill gaps in my child’s math knowledge?
Our program starts with an assessment to identify gaps and provides targeted lessons to fill them quickly. At the end of each workbook, there is a two page test that you can use to "test out" of a series of math concepts and continue to the next. There are 25 workbooks in our program covering Fractions, Decimals, Percent, Algebra and Geometry.
How long is my access?
Access is available on a yearly membership. Your enrollment starts the day you enroll and continues through 12 full months.
What support is available if I get stuck?
Our customer service is outstanding! Our team is always available to answer questions and provide guidance when you need it. Email us here.
FAQ for Homeschool Science Curriculum
What makes your homeschool science curriculum special?
Our program empowers kids to take the lead in their learning with step-by-step video instructions for every experiment. No more frustration with hard-to-follow directions—your child can easily follow along and learn independently!
How can I make science exciting for my homeschooled child?
By making it hands-on! Our curriculum is packed with experiments and projects that bring science to life, from launching rockets to building simple circuits.
Do you include the "why" behind the experiments?
Yes! Each teacher-led science lesson dives into the scientific principles behind the experiments, helping your child understand how and why things work. We follow up the lessons with hands-on activities and experiments that students complete during the week.
Can this program work for different learning styles?
Absolutely! Whether your child learns best through watching, doing, or listening, our curriculum caters to visual, kinesthetic, and auditory learners.
Is it possible for my child to learn science without me?
Yes! If you don't have time to teach science, or science just isn't your strength, our easy-to-follow science curriculum videos and clear step-by-step instructions will take your child through an outstanding science education, freeing up your time for other priorities.
What if I don’t have time to gather supplies for experiments?
We use household items that you can find at the grocery store, office supply store, or hardware store for a lot of the experiments and activities. Better still, students re-use these items each week, because part of learning how to be a scientist or engineer is learning how to use the resources already around you, not make custom-molded parts kids could never make on their own.
How do I know if my child is learning?
Our program includes assessments by subject for every grade level, science experiment exercise questions, and downloadable student worksheets for every teacher-led science lesson so you can monitor your child’s understanding and celebrate their achievements!
What ages or grades is this curriculum suitable for?
Our homeschool science curriculum is designed for grades K-12, with experiments and lessons at every level that will grow with your child’s abilities and interests.
How do you handle challenging science concepts?
We simplify complex topics into fun, bite-sized lessons in our science lessons that kids can easily understand and apply in real-world situations.
Are there resources for parents who struggle with teaching science?
Yes! We provide support for parents in our live parent chat sessions, detailed guides for how to teach homeschool science, and expert advice through email so you can confidently guide your child’s learning journey.
Can this program help kids who struggle with science?
Definitely. Our step-by-step approach builds confidence and makes learning science less intimidating and more enjoyable. I highly recommend starting with the weekly live classes so your child can engage directly with our instructors and get their questions answered.
Does this curriculum align with state or national standards?
Yes, our curriculum exceeds standards in most areas (we also offer science lessons in electronics, coding, aviation, engineering) while offering the flexibility to adapt to your homeschool educational goals.
How is this curriculum different from other science programs?
One word - PASSION. Our teachers are real scientists and engineers who are passionate not only about their fields, but also teaching kids specifically. Our homeschool science curriculum focuses on hands-on learning, real-life applications, and flexibility to make the lessons engaging, effective, and fun for kids.
Does the curriculum support cross-curricular learning?
Yes! Many of our experiments tie into math, engineering, technology, history, reading, writing, and more to making learning interdisciplinary and more engaging. (We even provide vocabulary word lists with definitions, lists of scientists that have contributed to the science field you're studying about so you can look up biographies in the library, and so much more!)
What happens if an experiment doesn’t work?
You’ll also get unlimited support for as long as you are a member of the program. Just pick up the phone or shoot me an email – I am happy to help! My company is staffed entirely by human beings who love science and sharing it with others. We also encourage kids to analyze, problem-solve, and try again, building critical thinking and resilience during our live classes.
Can this curriculum help prepare my child for STEM careers?
Absolutely. Our program introduces kids to topics like robotics, chemistry, and engineering, laying a strong foundation for future STEM pursuits. Unfortunately, many homeschool science programs rely too heavily on textbooks, leaving kids disengaged and uninspired. Instead, you need to choose a homeschool science curriculum that emphasizes hands-on science experiments. These activities bring concepts to life and help kids understand the real-world applications of science. A hands-on approach makes homeschool science exciting and memorable for your child.
What if I’m on a budget?
If our science program looks expensive, you need to know that it delivers far more than even the most popular programs. We teach weekly live science lessons taught by real engineers and scientists; students will work through thousands of experiments that actually work and use regular household items; our customer service outstanding is by real people (not robots) who help you with everything from account issues to experiments not working right... and so much more. We also have a monthly payment plan and are vendors with many homeschool organizations in order to make this as affordable as we can for your family.
How do I know if this will work for my child?
Our program is designed and taught by scientists and engineers, not marketing teams trying to sell a product. What this really means is that your child will have their pick of colleges and careers because you have used a program created by the most successful and passionate engineers out there who love teaching kids. We also offer a full, 30-day money-back guarantee... no hassles, no fine print. If it doesn't work for you, you shouldn't have to pay for it. Just make sure to let us know within the first 30 days for a full and complete refund.