The home is the first school for any child. The parents are the first models they observe. The homeschool parent needs to incorporate more than just the lessons in the syllabus into the life of the homeschool student. There are a number of social responsibilities that the homeschool student needs to be sensitized about. Here are some common issues.

Developing Reciprocal Relationships with Peers

Homeschool students need to know how to deal with other children their age. Getting along with peers includes having a sense of empathy. To try and put themselves in the other guy’s shoes and get a feel of their emotions. Emotional sensitivity is required not just to understand their own feelings, but to develop a reciprocal relationship with their friends.

Being Respectful in Relations with Elders

The number of adults that a homeschool student is exposed to may vary depending on the family’s individual situation. It is important that the homeschool teacher ensures that they learn to interact with other adults in a respectful and dignified manner. This will be the blueprint of how they deal with authority figures in the future. Ensuring that they can hold their own while being respectful of the adult is an important skill.

A Sense of Justice in Their Words and Actions

Young children usually have a strong sense of right and wrong. They see things as black or white with no shades of gray. It is necessary for the homeschool students to be considerate of extenuating circumstances, motivations, and intentions of other people. The homeschooling parent needs to show them real life examples of situations where doing something not quite legally correct, might be morally the right thing to do.

Solving Conflicts Amicably

There is no getting away from conflict in life, and it would help homeschool students tremendously if they knew exactly how to handle disagreements with others. Being socially responsible includes being able to resolve differences with other individuals of the society in an amicable manner. A few tips can go a long way in shaping how they deal with problematic people they may encounter in the future.