There is a healthy debate on what skills are considered absolutely essential and which may be sidelined for a while. Yet there are some basic skills that just about any educator from regular school or from a homeschool community will agree are essential. Here we list them out and help you prioritize the skills you feel you should be teaching your homeschool students in the classroom and outside it.

Verbal Communication

To be able to express what they want is an important skill and to be able to understand what someone else wants is even more confusing at times. Effective communication skills can help the homeschool student, in fact just about any student, deal better with people around them. The ability to take and idea, process it and express it is actually a skill everyone should practice.


It is not exactly the most popular of subjects for everyone, especially as the grades get higher and the calculations get tougher. However having good math skills can make a huge difference to the quality of your homeschool student’s life. Just think about all the times you need to use numbers to understand just how important this skill can be.


Just as important as getting your message across verbally can be, it is important to be able to express it in written as well. A good way to get them to improve their written skills is to make them write a daily dairy. It will serve the purpose of making them consider what events of the day were actually important, organize what they want to record and then find the right words to write it all down with.


Often overlooked in school in terms of being a formal subject, there is no denying the importance this particular skill plays in life. If a homeschool student is allowed to play team sports, organize events within the community or even do household chores in tandem with siblings the skill of teamwork is developed. When you work as a team you can get a whole lot more accomplished so it is an important life skill.