If your state legally  requires you to give your homeschool students four to five hours of education per day, you may be going just a little crazy trying to fit that much time in to a multi grade homeschool classroom. Here is a simple secret. You don’t need to actually make them sit at their desks and study for all those hours each day. There are easier ways to handle this.

Limited Minutes a Day

Spend between three to five minutes a day with each of your preschool child on different subjects and skills. For First, Second and Thrird Grad ethe attention span and timing can be incleased to  ten to twnety minutes. Fourth, Fifth and Sixth graders can use a dose of twenty to forty minutes on a topic at a time. Seventh to Twelfth grades can handle forty five minutes to an hour with ease. You can rotate the one on one time for the smaller children between the elder ones.

Optimise the Time Used

Instead of making them sit at the desk for hours, you play to your strength of knowing their exact attention span. Now you fit in work such as improving small motor skills with hand writing pages, or making calculations faster with mathematics practice. The activity you pick will be in accordance to the grade and the subject. However you will encourage your child to work with you in the limited one on one time instead of making them all sit together for a fixed time period as a regular classroom.

Figure Out a Per Subject Plan 

You know the syllabus you need to cover, you know the time slots that you are going to use. Now if you have specific activities and topics cut out into sections as per the time you can just refer to this master plan and tell your homeschool student what they need to do next. Make it and stick it in a prominent visible place in the classroom. Explain how it works to your kids. Yes, it will be a comprehensive task and a time consuming one, but once it’s done you are set for the rest of the school year.