We have previously discussed how the smartphone is now a part of our lifestyles and how much the apps there on can help us in our day to day activities. Here are some apps that simplify life and make it easier for the homeschool parent to function.


Have you ever felt that thoughts are literally jammed so tight in your brain that you can not even retrieve one without pulling the string of a dozen others? Does this make you scatterbrained and unable to concentrate on the work that you actually should be doing in that instant? Clear is an app that can help you immensely. It is essentially a list app on the iTunes store.

The advantage it gives you as a multi tasking homeschool parent is it’s feature that allows you to create multiple lists in one place. This means you can have a list for your grocery store and a list for all the birthdays in the month of May in the same app. Much more convenient that multiple paper lists that are unwieldy and difficult to trace at the right moment.


If you want your children to eat healthy, but never seem to get the menu fixed, or get the right supplies when you shop, this is a life saver. MealBoard combines recipe management, meal planning, groceries and pantry management. You can manage your recipes, ingredients, food categories, meal types, stores, store aisles, and grocery items to cut time spent planning your meals.

Homeschool Helper 

This literally does what it’s name says as it is a feature rich app designed to assist with the many aspects of homeschooling. You can use this app to plan lessons, track student progress, calculate grades,  manage book lists, plan field trips, and keep track of tasks. 


Are you fed up of your children making a noise and unable to get any writing or reading work done? Try this app which plays soothing white noise combined with sounds designed to induce calm, creativity, energy or one of twenty-seven other moods. It allows you to relax as you focus on the work at hand and subconsciously on the BrainWave tune and just about drown out the noise your kids are making.